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Shady Smaoui

Senior Software / ML Engineer - System Solution Architect

About ✨

Seasoned Software Engineer, Shady is a self-starter and proactive problem-solver with a passion for learning and improving techniques. He is an advocate of critical thinking, an eternal dreamer and an enthusiast of code, particularly in the area of AI, ML, and MLOps.

Currently pursuing a Master of Engineering in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at Polytechnique Montreal, he earned a B.Eng degree in Software Engineering from the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Shady's strong academic background is enhanced by his successful track record of delivering high-quality software applications, services and architectures in numerous environments from startups to big corp entities 🚀.

In addition to his solid technical foundation in large-scale software development, Shady has an extensive experience in project management and team leadership.

Tools & Technologies 🔧